The Morgan County Gun Club held its yearly club championship Sunday, September 29th. The decision to move the shoot date earlier by a couple weeks turned out well. We had beautiful weather. The club championship is the last shoot of the year in our area, so participants come to visit with friends, enjoy good food, & shoot. Shooters traveled from many areas around Ohio, and West Virginia to get to the club.Sunday morning started with practice and visiting. Twenty doubles shooters shot 50 pair each. Some of our shooting friends don’t compete in the doubles, as it takes another gun or set of barrels capable of shooting twice. It can be very aggravating, but fun and you shoot 100 shells fast! High doubles award went to Ron Smith of Dover with a score of 96-100.
Before the 100-Bird Program shooters enjoyed a good meal. The club furnished ham and turkey while shooters brought a covered dish or dessert.
Sunday’s championship program consisted of 100 targets: 50 singles (singles/16 yard) & 50 ATA (Amateur Trapshooting Association) handicap (hdcp) targets. Shooters shoot ATA assigned yardage or 23 yard minimum. Thirty five shooters competed this year. Awards were given to high gun member, high gun open, high gun open singles, high gun open handicap, high gun open veteran, high gun open junior, and high gun open lady.
Scott Fisher of Lower Salem won the Member Belt Buckle with a score of 92-100 (47-50 singles/45-50 hdcp; ATA 19 yd). Club members as well as non-club members are eligible for remaining awards. Handicap targets are shot from the 19 yard line to the 27 yard line, depending on shooter’s ability. Zack Carr from Athens won High Gun Open with a score of 95-100 (49-50singles/46-50 hdcp; ATA 21.5 yd). Zack and Michael Kemp from Belpre tied with high score 95-100. They had to shoot-off for High Gun Open; 10 targets from the 16 yard line then 10 targets from their ATA assigned yardage. Zack broke 9-10 then 9-10, while Mike hit 10-10 and 7-10 giving the High Gun Open award to Zack.
Chuck Jackson from Wellsburg, WV tied Richard Zombek from Columbus on Singles (50-50); coin toss was decided instead of shooting. Chuck won Singles. Michael Kemp won High Handicap (46-50; ATA 27 yard). Veteran 70+ award was won by Robert Shaffer from Frankfort (93-100 ; ATA 25yd). Audrey McCord of Wheeling, WV won Lady 88-100 (19 yard), and Savannah Galaxy of Minerva won Junior Champion (18 years and younger), 70-100 19 yd).
Club members are helpful and encourage young shooters in the sport. Trapshooting teaches gun safety, responsibility, and is a very competitive sport. The gun club is open every Saturday at noon to shoot practice, a mini-program, and/or a 50-bird program. Anyone interested in learning how to shoot trap is welcome. Individuals at the club will assist you. If you have any questions, contact club president, Larry Wise, 740-962-4701, or checkout our website, www.morgancountygunclub.com
#1 Larry Wise President, with Scott Fisher High Gun Member
#2 Larry with Ron Smith, High Doubles award
#3 Larry with Zack Carr, High Gun Open
#4 Larry with Chuck Jackson, High Singles
#5 Larry with Michael Kemp, High Handicap
#6 Larry with Robert Shaffer, High Veteran
#7 Larry with Audrey McCord, High Lady