Archive for March, 2018

Saturday, April 7th, 2018 Registered Shoot

Tuesday, March 27th, 2018

Morgan County Registered Shoots

Registered Shoot

Saturday, April 7th, 2018

Club Opens At 11:00 AM

Program Starts At 12:00 Noon


Singles – 100 Targets
Targets    $23.00 (Plus $5.00 OSTA & ATA Fees – Paid Once Daily)
Lewis Class     $10.00
50% 30% 20% – 10 to a class or major part


Handicap – 100 Targets
Targets    $23.00
Lewis Class     $10.00
50% 30% 20% – 10 to a class or major part


Doubles – 50 Pair
Targets    $23.00
Lewis Class     $10.00
50% 30% 20% – 10 to a class or major part

Shoot Additional singles, handicap &/or doubles as long as three(3) shooters shoot




Larry & Peggy Wise (740) 962-4701

Club Phone (740) 962-6775

Registered Shoot April 7 2018






Added Money Shoot – Non Registered 100 Bird Handicap

Thursday, March 8th, 2018


Saturday, March 24th, 2018

Club Opens At 11:00AM

Program Starts At 12:00 Noon


100 – Bird Handicap

(Classification based on ATA Yardage and Known Ability)

$100.00 Added Money To Lewis Class

100 Targets + Lewis $30.00

Lewis Class $100.00 Added Money To Each Class
3 Classes Maximum
50% 30% 20% – 10 to a class or major part.
For Every 10 Shooters, $100.00 will be added to the Pot. Maximum $300.00 of added Money.


50’s (First-Middle-last) $9.00

Club Rules Noted At Below.


100-Bird Handicap Program
100-Bird Handicap Program is a non-registered program with ATA assigned yardage used with a 20 yard minimum yardage. Five (5) or more shooters playing the purse &/or 50’s options will earn high score one (1) yard for one (1) year. If the shooter has high score with the newly assigned yardage, another yard is earned for one (1) year from that date. If shooter breaks first, middle, or last 50 targets one (1) yard is earned which is permanent until the same shooter breaks another 50-straight, at which time another yard is earned. Shooter must play 50’s jackpot option each time they shoot the program to be eligible.

Payout of jackpot (3) 50’s monies:
1st, 2nd, & 3rd times shooting the program & run 50-straight payout is 10% of 70% of total jackpot.
4 th time shooting the program & run a 50-straight payout is 30% of 70% of total jackpot.
5 th time shooting the program & run a 50-straight payout is 50% of 70% of total jackpot.
6 th time shooting the program & run a 50-straight payout is 70% of total jackpot.

Shooter remains eligible from 6th time shooting the program for jackpot monies.
Maximum jackpot in each 50 totals $750 with 70% payout.
Rules changed by management and trustees as conditions warrant. Club management has option to revise shooter’s yardage.


Club Reserves right to alter program.



Larry & Peggy Wise (740) 962-4701

Lewis Class Shoot